Montessori Method
Planes of Development
Maria Montessori identified four distinct periods, or “planes,” of development, which are the basis of the Montessori Method.
Education of the Educator
The preparation of the Montessori teacher begins well before the educator enters the classroom for the first time. Maria Montessori wrote at great length in her books about the spiritual preparedness of the Montessori teacher. For this reason she was very protective of the Method, taking great care to ensure its authenticity.
The teacher creates an atmosphere of calm, order, and joy in the classroom and is there to help and encourage the children in all their efforts, allowing them to develop self-confidence and inner discipline. With the younger students at each level, the teacher is more active, demonstrating the use of materials and presenting activities based on an assessment of the child's requirements. Knowing how to observe constructively and when, are important talents the Montessori teacher acquires during a rigorous course of training at Montessori training centers throughout the world.
The Montessori teacher must complete post-graduate work at an approved Montessori training center for advanced studies. The program is rigorous, costly, and usually takes the teacher away from home for extended periods of time to study with other Montessorians. ECMCS continually invests in the education of the students as well as the teachers.
As a public Montessori school, ECMCS’s lead teachers must hold a degree in education at the level which she/he teaches, state certification as well as a Montessori certification. Our teachers often continue their education through workshops and conferences held by Montessori organizations.