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Medication At School Guidelines

Students with Severe Allergies (life threatening/anaphylaxis):

Families of students with severe allergic reactions that may require the use of emergency epinephrine (EpiPen, Auvi-Q), MUST provide ECMCS with the appropriate device along with a completed Medication Order.

Students with Asthma or a respiratory condition (rescue inhaler):

Families of students who may need a rescue inhaler MUST provide one to ECMCS along with a completed Medication Order. Students age 11 and younger MUST provide a spacer device. Older students are allowed to bring in spacers, if preferred.

Students with medications scheduled to be given during school hours (8:30am - 2:30pm):

All medication MUST be dropped off by a parent/guardian. The responsible adult will provide the completed Medication Order, perform a pill count (as appropriate) and record receipt of medication by staff. Specific Medication Orders are needed for Diastat and Insulin.

We are able to accept medication when accompanied by a completed Medication Order AND delivered by a parent/guardian. Please DO NOT send in medication with your student.

Healthcare providers may fax medication orders to 843-216-8880, ATTN: Clinic.

Please email Nurse Christy Thompson, RN ( to schedule a drop-off meeting between 8:05a and 2:30p